Thursday, March 24, 2011

sing kkk~~

yesterday went 2 sing k with pmp gangs
basically their initial plan is 2 sing k in midnight of tuesday
or should we consider as early morning of wednesday
after tat it has changed 2 wednesday evening
end up we sang from 5pm-9pm+buffet
costs us RM25.50 each person
which i feel quite reasonable

i reached there at 6pm
thanks 2 zheng yang!!
hv 2 wait him finish presentation 1st
as usual,i am the only girl in tat gang
my voice cant fight with them la >.<""
and few of us kena record video in their phone =X
swt dao...
and thanks god it is posted in closed group..haha

anyway,a nice gathering with them!!
paiseh,no photo available in this post

pen off.

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