Thursday, March 24, 2011

cheng b'day celebration

had a belated b'day celebration for ah cheng last tuesday
in midvalley,旧相好~~

karen and i went there late,cuz we hv meetings
and other went there earlier for almost 2 hours
thanks for waiting us!>.<||
we straight when there 2 prepare after buying cake
the oreo cheese cake

the huge b'day card

and also her pressie
the key!!

and we decorate it into this~

its look more like propose purpose more than surprise b'day celebration..kaka

b'day girl and me

group photo by using steron's instant mini~
but dun like the gal tat takes for us
shooting without counting 1,2,3
and i personally dun like her as well
cuz i think she din respects me
bad service i got from her
which make my mood become so down in the beginning

but i like the environment there
the decoration there..

the cards tat played b4 during kids time

u even can see old style telephone there

this place refresh back all my memories when i am still a kid

the sacks with rice in it
i seriously din play this b4!!

u know this?=)

and this!!i like this candy so much~~

well,gotta end this post with a group photo
1st time editting this :X
not reali satisfy,haha

friendship 4ever~

pen off.

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