Monday, March 14, 2011

hostel cleaning

finished 1 of the 3 tests 2day
the thing tat i can say is..
i tried my best~

and i am quite satisfied with wat i hv done in my hostel*hehe*
i swept the floor
i mopped the floor
i threw the rubbishSS
cuz we hv roaster 2 follow
everyone takes turn 2 do the cleaning
and i in-charge of mondays
but seem like no one follow the roaster except me >.<||
the floor is like few months din mopped i guess
(hopefully my guess is wrong)

i throw rubbish every monday
and the rubbish is thrown once a week
the whole week rubbish never been thrown since last week i threw it
how irresponsible are the people?!?!haiz...
i almost vomit when i washed the rubbish bin tat contain dirty water inside
tat is extremely dirty and disgusting!!!
i dun hope there is a next time anymore!!
seriously beh tahan~~

alright,i am bangau-ing
i shall stop this..
at least i did my part =)

should proceed 2 my next mission d
2 tests waiting for me this friday man~
i shall gambateh gambateh gambateh!!!

and lastly,my prayer to japan here~
should appreciate with what we have now~~

pen off.

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