Thursday, March 31, 2011




Thursday, March 24, 2011

sing kkk~~

yesterday went 2 sing k with pmp gangs
basically their initial plan is 2 sing k in midnight of tuesday
or should we consider as early morning of wednesday
after tat it has changed 2 wednesday evening
end up we sang from 5pm-9pm+buffet
costs us RM25.50 each person
which i feel quite reasonable

i reached there at 6pm
thanks 2 zheng yang!!
hv 2 wait him finish presentation 1st
as usual,i am the only girl in tat gang
my voice cant fight with them la >.<""
and few of us kena record video in their phone =X
swt dao...
and thanks god it is posted in closed group..haha

anyway,a nice gathering with them!!
paiseh,no photo available in this post

pen off.

cheng b'day celebration

had a belated b'day celebration for ah cheng last tuesday
in midvalley,旧相好~~

karen and i went there late,cuz we hv meetings
and other went there earlier for almost 2 hours
thanks for waiting us!>.<||
we straight when there 2 prepare after buying cake
the oreo cheese cake

the huge b'day card

and also her pressie
the key!!

and we decorate it into this~

its look more like propose purpose more than surprise b'day celebration..kaka

b'day girl and me

group photo by using steron's instant mini~
but dun like the gal tat takes for us
shooting without counting 1,2,3
and i personally dun like her as well
cuz i think she din respects me
bad service i got from her
which make my mood become so down in the beginning

but i like the environment there
the decoration there..

the cards tat played b4 during kids time

u even can see old style telephone there

this place refresh back all my memories when i am still a kid

the sacks with rice in it
i seriously din play this b4!!

u know this?=)

and this!!i like this candy so much~~

well,gotta end this post with a group photo
1st time editting this :X
not reali satisfy,haha

friendship 4ever~

pen off.

Monday, March 14, 2011

hostel cleaning

finished 1 of the 3 tests 2day
the thing tat i can say is..
i tried my best~

and i am quite satisfied with wat i hv done in my hostel*hehe*
i swept the floor
i mopped the floor
i threw the rubbishSS
cuz we hv roaster 2 follow
everyone takes turn 2 do the cleaning
and i in-charge of mondays
but seem like no one follow the roaster except me >.<||
the floor is like few months din mopped i guess
(hopefully my guess is wrong)

i throw rubbish every monday
and the rubbish is thrown once a week
the whole week rubbish never been thrown since last week i threw it
how irresponsible are the people?!?!haiz...
i almost vomit when i washed the rubbish bin tat contain dirty water inside
tat is extremely dirty and disgusting!!!
i dun hope there is a next time anymore!!
seriously beh tahan~~

alright,i am bangau-ing
i shall stop this..
at least i did my part =)

should proceed 2 my next mission d
2 tests waiting for me this friday man~
i shall gambateh gambateh gambateh!!!

and lastly,my prayer to japan here~
should appreciate with what we have now~~

pen off.

Friday, March 11, 2011

random update

will have calculus test on next monday
but i am going 2 pj utar campus for free talk on sunday
which is 1 day b4 my test
omg!!i think i am crazy..LOL
since i hv registered 4 the talk,i will go
the thing that i can do now is manage my time well
and study whenever i can b4 sunday
hopefully i can finish the revision b4 sunday
god bless me please~~*pray*

and 2day,attended the actuarial career talk
the content is abt actuarial field only
wat i expect to know is not discussed
which make me quite disappointed
but at least i know some stuffs abt actuary
*self comforting* swt!!

and lastly thanks 2 danny chan 4 the ride!!=)
gona back to study d
pen off.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

happy day

2day i had my micro midterm
and it contains only 4 questions
so i finished it quite early
my lecturer saw me doing ntg thr
then ask me whether i finish d ar
after i nodded head,he asked me 2 let him see my answer =.=||
and he glance thru my answers
he put a cross on my Q2
then i know i did wrongly for Q2
so i rubbed off the answers
and write the new 1..
after writing finish,times up!>.<||

after discussion,still found out tat i did wrongly
but heard tat is acceptable..duno how..zzz
quite happy cuz my lecturer at least point my out my mistake
and gave me 2nd chance 2 answer
although i did wrongly also..swt!

and i applied my quote again 2day..LOL
"every problem has a solution.every solution begins with ME!"
basically,we got rubbish accumulated for 4-5 days
is reali omg~~smelly!!
sumore got lots of small flies flying over..yucks!disgusting!!
so ended up,with my help of my cousin
we pack the rubbish properly and throw it away
wooh!!problem solved~~haha

i seem crazy -.-
anyway,sorry for the boring post tat w/o picture 2day

pen off.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

ms janice wedding dinner

went to ms janice wedding dinner yesterday
i am so kelam kabut yesterday >.<
i juz dun understand y i cant wear jeans 2 wedding dinner
easier 4 me wat XD
i am being persuaded by my frens that..
i should wear at least a dress 2 this type of occassion
hv 2 wear dress haven enough yet
being mumbling by my frens
u should make up..=.=||

ok lo,ended up i juz put on foundation and lipstick
thanks 2 cheng,yl,XL and aileen 4 helping me >.<
and i being suan-ed by the guys all the way 2 the restaurant
swt dao..!!
feel like crying when saw all those guys wear until so casual
how come i wear until so formal?=.=
tats y i being suan-ed!@.@
yl told me tat u will be normal when reached there
cuz everyone there wear quite formal
yes,it is true XD

the place tat we have the wedding dinner
this is the way i introduce it XD

we are in table no 13!!
mun hoe so like 2 be background,let it be la!haiz..LOL

what they did when they are waiting 4 food?
playing with handphone for sure

when jiunn wait until so sien,suddenly go cubit wesley XD
end up wesley got 1 black green spot on his hand
he so beh syok and request me 2 take the evidence

wesley:"nah!evidence!!" LOL

ladies in table no 13 <3
ms lok and ms esther..
they are utar staffs from kampar~friendly!

ms janice~

during the dinner,digi and wesley-the sing song lover
never miss the chance 2 show off their singing skill
they went up 2 the stage and sang finally,haha
where ever got mic,where ever got their voices

choosing their song

the big group photo~~

table no 13 de!!haha

anyway,they say ms lok and me look alike
wat do u think?haha
somebody from kampar told me the same thing also XD

wat a tired day~
reached home abt 11.30pm.

lastly,best wishes 2 ms janice and her husband~sweet sweet 4ever o!!

pen off.

Friday, March 4, 2011

problem solving

had my iam test 2day
it was really terrible
and i dun wan 2 discuss abt it
my mood changed after test
which i thought i can go eat korean food with my gang
but i cant...
i dun wan my frens 2 suffer...
looking at my black face the whole outing
therefore,i decided 2 ffk them
sorry gals 4 everything~~
being quiet and moodless is wat i will do
when i am totally collapse

after i reached the bus waiting area
suddenly i dun feel like wana go back home
i juz sat there and duno wat 2 do
i started 2 call my best fren..
2 tell out my problems and feelings
at that moment,i feel so relax
finally i can express out my emo-ness
thanks yea,ks!!<3

and 1 thing that i hv learnt and i got chance 2 apply 2day
which is..
every problem has a solution
every solution begins with ME
if there is misunderstanding..
take ur 1st step 2 solve it
or else the problem will be there forever
feel so calm after solving the problem..haha

seems like many problems solved 2day.=)

pen off.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

no problem,no FUN

i got test this friday again
and i duno wat happen 2 me
i juz got a lot of troubles b4 my test
my mind will somehow become negative
and start bangau-ing =.=||
i just hate that

alright,maybe u will start asking
what is bangau?
basically there is a malay song
where the character,bangau blame this
and this blame that
is actually finger pointing and blaming each other
actually bangau is giving excuses
something like tat

this is wat i learn on last sat
where i went 2 attend take charge programme in utar pj campus
is a motivating self programme
and i learned a lot of things from rizal-nlp coach
so "STOP bangau-ing!!" become my quote d
another quote that is quite meaningful is..
"no problem,no FUN"
so,dun blame when things happen
cuz u are the 1 who choose it

this is the number of ppl who attend tat day

anyway,i realized this cant be apply on everyone i guess
(rizal gona say me bangau if he saw this)
maybe i am busybody+ tat person mood not reali good
i am being treated badly by tat person
which i really angry!
so i block tat person temporarily..XD

anyway,i am trying 2 join some programmes 2 make myself positive
and i think i am in the right track =)
i think i hv changed!!XD
do u realize tat?@.@

pen off.