Thursday, September 18, 2008

i need more freedom

my 1st semester has came 2 the end...
still got another last paper 2 go...
math paper..
cant wait 4 the saturday 2 come..
i dun worry 2 much about math..
cuz i really do enough pratices...
haha..juz joking..
cuz i feel that i can handle this paper well..
omg..wat can i say about my physics and chemistry test??
i can juz say 1 word.."surrender"..
i really cant answer well...
although i hv study hard..
hmm,may b i din study smart..
haiz,watever..this has over..
now,the important thing here is 2 concentrate in my math..
i really hv 2 make sure i can get an 'A' in my math...
if not,.....
gambateh 2 all the utarian...
dun give up cuz this is the last paper..
it is really stupid 2 give up now..
bcoz we r almost 2 the end...
y should we give up..
since we saw the ending line..
of cuz we r going 2 continue 2 run 2 the end,rite?
so,gambateh yea..
2 all my dearest frens..

by the way,after finish my test..
i hv 2 rushed back 2 klang...
cuz i will start working right after my exam..
so fast and so rush rite??
no choice fair 4 my company mah..kaka..
need 2 help them lo.. long din meet my secondary skul frens d..
miss them so much..
but yet i cant attend the gathering..T.T
not i dun want 2 attend..
but cuz of the time and date..
i dunno y they so like 2 set the gathering at friday night..
cuz every time i got test on saturday morning..
and yet the time is so late..
9pm..may be is early 4 most the teenager..
but 4 my parents..9pm is consider late..
and they wont allow me 2 go out at such late time..
so,my frens..dun blame me la..
i know,teenagers should enjoy the night my fren said..
i oso want 2 enjoy that..who dun want??
but may b my parents r 2 strict 2 me..
and they worry about freedom is limited..T.T

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