Monday, October 29, 2012

my convocation

the date is nice isn't it?hahahaha..
that's my date of my convocation~
my whole family went all the way to kampar  after the breakfast
 my whole family~~=)
 my parents
 my mum
and my dad!=)

thanks for their attendance~~
actually they are so tired for the 1 day trip to kampar
especially my dad as the driver

i got 3 bouquets of flowers overall..LOL!
1st bouquet from my family
 joshua,with the uncle look..hahaha
din expect he will come,he called me where am i after i came out from the hall
thx u so much,joshua!!
 and the AS sampat gang that with me always~=)
thx 4 the flower!2nd bouquet from them!!
 soong ying,my junior!
that day only know she came for convocation,lol...
3rd bouquet is from this junior and the gang~~
and 1 of the juniors sms me to wish me that day
and 1 of the juniors call me to wish me
thx a lot for the wishes and flower!i am touched~~but i din cry!!hahaha
cuz they said i cried cuz of the surprise but... actually i didn't
just that my eyes are too tired..really!!lol...

 the pmp gang!!
yee ping and lester that graduate together with me,hehe
the people inside the picture above except me,all are engineering students!

 the AS gangs~~

 thx 4 the attendance man!!=)

the group photo!!

thx a lot for everything
appreciate it a lot
at least i enjoyed in my convocation
and i will attend the next convocation for my friend!

pen off.


ps: for more picture,plz refer to my facebook..LOL!

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